The magazine TALENTE is about an exchange of experiences concerning school, work and society. It is released two – three times a year and combines articles about educational and historical fields of expertise towards school, vocational training, studies and further qualifications.


No. 31: 100 years after the first world war

No. 30: Educational concepts in Northwest Brandenburg and the adjacent Altmark region

No. 29: Women out!

No. 28: Work in the 21st Century – or – Does the Work Need a New Philosophy?

Special: Accompanying book to the exhibition "The Future of Work"

No. 27: Extremism among us – Positions, dangers, strategies against

No. 26: Printed success – Portfolios and matching in job orientation

No. 25: "Burnout" in school – Life between stress and depression?

No. 24: "Art of failure" – A way for success?

Single copy = 8,- €
and subscription (four copies 28,- €)
can be ordered through .

Contact Person

Philipp Stintzing
